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About Towing
Towing Atom Bomb Ship

Takelma began towing target ships from Marshall Island to Pearl Harbor after the atomic bomb tests at Bikini in 1947.The USS Pensacola was sunk

90 miles off the Washington coast after six hours and thirty minutes by the First Task Fleet. The Veteran of 13 battles with the Japanese, she was

built in New York at a cost of 11,100,000 and joined the fleet in 1930. She took a torpedo at Tassafaronga in the South Pacific and at Iwo Jima

she was hit by six shells from heavy shore guns of the Japanese forces. After the war, she sailed into Bikini for the atomic bomb test and two

blasts failed to sink her.

Towing USS Pensacola Atomic Bomb Ship
The USS Salt Lake City went to her grave 130 miles off the California coast she was sunk by the U.S. First Task Fleet,the end coming after five hours of intermittent bombardment with everything 15 ship and scores of planes had to offer The Salt Lake City was built at Camden N.J.She took part in 31 Pacific War engagements. She was still radioactive.

The USS Salt Lake City
The USS New York was another ship towed by the USS Takelma with the help of the USS Cree. This was the biggest and longest towing feat of its kind ever to be undertaken at this time. Lettered on the boatswain's locker the last skipper who abandoned her to the atomic bomb at Bikini was the legend, "Old sailors never die".